Welcome To The Wellness Equation.

Working with people who suffer from digestive issues that prevent them from living everyday life so they can regain control over their health and thrive.

Welcome To The Wellness Equation.

Working with people who suffer from digestive issues that prevent them from living everyday life so they can regain control over their health and thrive.

Let's Get Started...

If this feels familiar to you, you're in the right place.

As time has passed you started to notice changes in your digestion. You started to bloat, or have to run for bathroom emergencies (or worse cannot go to the bathroom), and you just feel "blah" and tired all the time.

At first, you ignored it, "it is just gas" or "I ate something that didn't agree with me" but as time passed it got harder and harder to ignore and these digestive issues really started to get to you.

  • Constantly Bloating

  • Stubborn Weight Gain / Unable to Lose Weight

  • Fatigue / Brain Fog

  • Constipation

  • Running to the bathroom

  • Food Sensitivities

  • Inability to Digest Certain Foods

  • Inflammation

If you are experiencing any or all of these symptoms, and you are looking to work with a Registered Nutritional Consulting Practitioner (Nutritionist) who specializes in working with people to help improve their gut health, improve their inflammation and lose that unwanted weight you are in the right place.

" I am so grateful that I found Johanne. In less than a month I have made a complete transformation. I am feeling better in SO many ways, I am eating the most incredible meals, and I have gained confidence in the kitchen.

My gut health is finally being dealt with, and we are also tackling weight and inflammation.

She goes way above and beyond what other nutritionists do! I highly recommend you get started with her today... it will change your life and wellness in the best way possible!"

julia. - 2021

Free Resources

15 Bone Broth Soups recipe

I am so happy to share these delicious recipes with you!

They are all designed to help you have a better, healthier gut. Improving your health should be fun and tasty. Spice up your meals and snacks with these amazing dips and sauces! Your body will thank you.

The Wellness Equation Community


This is our healthy living community. Share healthy recipes, health tips, ask questions and be a part of a group with like minded individuals.

Can't wait to see you there!

Metbolic balance WEBINAR

Struggling to lose weight? Have you tried many other programs without success?

Check out this video on our Metabolic Balance Program that we offer. From your unique health history, and lab results we work on balancing your hormones, with food.

Learn Something New

fermented foods

The Symbiotic Relationship of Probiotics and Prebiotics

June 06, 20243 min read

The Symbiotic Relationship of Probiotics and Prebiotics

If you want to improve your gut health or maintain the good gut health you already have, there are two things you must do. Consume probiotic foods and prebiotics foods and they are best consumed together, creating what is now being called “symbiotic” foods. This is easier than it may sound and can actually be fun.

Probiotic foods contain beneficial organisms that help our gut perform its duties and have amazing health benefits for us. Prebiotics are types of fibre like inulin, resistant starch, GOS and FOS that help feed our good bacteria.

We have two types of bacteria strains in our gut: residential and transient. Residential bacteria strains are the bacteria that live in our gut naturally and we must have them re-populate to stay healthy. Transient strains of bacteria pass through us (usually within 3 days) but while they are there, they help the gut do its work and keep us healthy.

Probiotic foods contain transient bacteria.  We need prebiotics to help us feed and increase our residential bacteria.

fermented foods

Getting some prebiotic and probiotic foods on a regular basis is the key and that is quite easy to do. Some examples of probiotic foods are sauerkraut, kimchi, kombucha, yogurt, kefir, miso, natto, pure apple cider vinegar (with mother), true balsamic vinegar, wine, unpasteurized beer, crème fraiche. In order to deliver beneficial organisms from fermented foods to the gut as well as the enzymes these foods also contain, do not heated past a temperature of 118 degrees F (48 C).

Prebiotic foods are Jerusalem Artichokes, chicory, garlic, onions, beans, lentil, citrus fruits, pears, apples, bananas, berries, almonds broccoli which contain soluble fibres like inulin and FOS. Resistant starch found in legumes, potatoes, wheat, corn, rye, barley, rice, spelt, kamut, and other grains and GOS is found in dairy products. The list of foods that are prebiotic is going to expand as research continues to discover more foods containing elements that are probiotic. It could turn out that all whole foods have some prebiotic benefit but we do not know that yet.

Prebiotics are not just food for good bacteria. They also enhance the absorption of calcium and magnesium and are involved in appetite regulation as well as lipid metabolism. As research continues, it is even more fascinating how these simple substances in food, and together with our good bacteria, are involved in a complex relationship to help us be healthy.

Consuming prebiotics with probiotics can be as simple as mixing banana slices into your yogurt or serving sauerkraut with a meal that contains garlic and onions. Maybe this is why we traditionally constructed meals as we did.

What Prebiotics/Probiotics do you consume? Let us know in our community!


1. Inulin-Type Fructans: Functional Food Ingredients1,2 Marcel B. Roberfroid, 2007 American Society for Nutrition

2.Health effects of probiotics and prebiotics A literature review on human studies, Henrik Andersson, Nils-Georg Asp, Åke Bruce, Stefan Roos, Torkel Wadström, Agnes E. Wold, Food and Nutrition Research, Vol 45, 2001

3. Probiotics, prebiotics, and symbiotics: approaches for modulating the microbial ecology of the gut 1,2M David Collins and Glenn R Gibson, 1999 American Society for Clinical Nutrition

4. Lowbush Wild Blueberries have the Potential to Modify Gut Microbiota and Xenobiotic Metabolism in the Rat Colon

5. Alison Lacombe,Robert W. Li,Dorothy Klimis-Zacas,Aleksandra S. Kristo, Shravani Tadepalli,Emily Krauss, Ryan Young,Vivian C. H. Wu mail Published: June 28, 2013 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.006749

6. A Systematic Screening of Total Antioxidants in Dietary Plants1, Bente L. Halvorsen et al, Institute for Nutrition Research, Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo; Akershus University College, Bekkestua, Norway; †Agricultural University of Norway, Ås, Norway; and the ‡Division of Epidemiology, School of Public Health, University of Minnesota

7. Current knowledge of the health benefits and disadvantages of wine consumption, John F. Tomera, Trends in Food Science & Technology – TRENDS FOOD SCI TECHNOL 01/1999; 10(4):129-138. DOI: 10.1016/S0924-2244(99)00035-7



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About Johanne Douma, RNCP

Empowering people to reduce inflammation, improve their gut, and lose weight naturally.

About The Wellness Equation - A Division of 1954080 Ontario Inc.

Established in 2017, we help people improve their gut health, reduce inflammation and lose weigh.

Join the Community

We'd love to have you. The Wellness Equation Community is for anyone wanting to learn how to reduce the inflammation, improve their gut, and lose that unwanted weight. The Wellness Equation Community offers free resources, tips, education and a safe, confidential space. It's free join.

Join the Community

Our community is a safe place for people that are experiencing digestive issues to be with like minded individuals to support, offer tips and healthy recipes.

© the wellness equation - a division of 1954080 ontario inc. 2024.

All rights reserved.