Welcome To The Wellness Equation.

Working with people who suffer from digestive issues that prevent them from living everyday life so they can regain control over their health and thrive.

Welcome To The Wellness Equation.

Working with people who suffer from digestive issues that prevent them from living everyday life so they can regain control over their health and thrive.

Let's Get Started...

If this feels familiar to you, you're in the right place.

As time has passed you started to notice changes in your digestion. You started to bloat, or have to run for bathroom emergencies (or worse cannot go to the bathroom), and you just feel "blah" and tired all the time.

At first, you ignored it, "it is just gas" or "I ate something that didn't agree with me" but as time passed it got harder and harder to ignore and these digestive issues really started to get to you.

  • Constantly Bloating

  • Stubborn Weight Gain / Unable to Lose Weight

  • Fatigue / Brain Fog

  • Constipation

  • Running to the bathroom

  • Food Sensitivities

  • Inability to Digest Certain Foods

  • Inflammation

If you are experiencing any or all of these symptoms, and you are looking to work with a Registered Nutritional Consulting Practitioner (Nutritionist) who specializes in working with people to help improve their gut health, improve their inflammation and lose that unwanted weight you are in the right place.

" I am so grateful that I found Johanne. In less than a month I have made a complete transformation. I am feeling better in SO many ways, I am eating the most incredible meals, and I have gained confidence in the kitchen.

My gut health is finally being dealt with, and we are also tackling weight and inflammation.

She goes way above and beyond what other nutritionists do! I highly recommend you get started with her today... it will change your life and wellness in the best way possible!"

julia. - 2021

Free Resources

15 Bone Broth Soups recipe

I am so happy to share these delicious recipes with you!

They are all designed to help you have a better, healthier gut. Improving your health should be fun and tasty. Spice up your meals and snacks with these amazing dips and sauces! Your body will thank you.

The Wellness Equation Community


This is our healthy living community. Share healthy recipes, health tips, ask questions and be a part of a group with like minded individuals.

Can't wait to see you there!

Metbolic balance WEBINAR

Struggling to lose weight? Have you tried many other programs without success?

Check out this video on our Metabolic Balance Program that we offer. From your unique health history, and lab results we work on balancing your hormones, with food.

Learn Something New

Women doing yoga

Self Care

April 15, 20243 min read

Self Care

6:00am, the kids wake you up and you try to get them to sleep just one more hour... doesn't work... One's diaper has overflowed and they are both fussy because they are hungry.  You make breakfast, let the dogs out, feed the dogs, change the bedding, bathe your kid, feed the kid, do the laundry (all at once)... and it isn't 6:30 yet? Not to mention getting ready for work, while maintaining a household. No problem, right? Sound familiar? 

yoga, woman

If you're anything like me, sometimes you forget about taking care of yourself in the midst of taking care of everyone else. Self-care is very important in our busy lives. If we don't take care of ourselves, how can we be the best we can be for ourselves and the ones we love?

Here are some ways I take care of myself. Everyone is different, and their list will change depending on their interests, but here are the ways I self-care.

1. As a nutritionist, I know the value of good, healthy food. It's very important to me to make nutrient-dense food for myself and my family. This keeps us all healthy!

2. Drink lots of water. Dehydration causes fatigue (among a plethora of other symptoms). Drinking lots of fresh, clean water helps get my energy up, keeps me hydrated and detoxes my body.

3. Yoga/Meditation - This one I have to admit I do not practice as much as I'd like to. I find yoga and meditation extremely relaxing. It gets me moving, strengthens my muscles and helps me unwind.

4. My essential oils. For the past 7 years I have been using essential oils in my home. They are calming, or invigorating depending on which one I use. I use them in everything, and find it rewarding making my own personal care and cleaning products. I definitely have branched out more since DoTERRA. Message me if you want any details about it. Having a warm bath in Lavender or Serenity is very relaxing as well.

5. Giving myself a mini facial, and giving myself a mini-pedicure/manicure. My daughter likes to join in with this. I don't mind as it is teaching her self-care.

6. Baking! I love alternative baking with unrefined sugars and grain-free recipes. 

7. Camping, hiking, or cottaging. There is something to be said about being in nature, and getting back to your roots. 

8. Setting time for just slowing down. The laundry, the dishes, the messy floor will all be there tomorrow. Make sure you take time for you.

9. Getting a good night's sleep. It gives my body time to reset and rejuvenate for the next day.

10. Power Down - this is something I don't currently do, but I like this idea. No phones or electronics in the bedroom and power down all electronics at least an hour before bed.

This will help you get a more restful nights sleep, and give you time to wind down before bed.

I would love to hear how you take care of yourself! Create a post in our Facebook community and let us know what you do for self care!

#thewellnessequation #nutrition #allergenfree #happyliving #selfcare #cleanproducts #younaturally #nontoxic #healthierskincare #alliston #newtecumseth #tottenham #wholefoodmom #JohanneDouma

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About Johanne Douma, RNCP

Empowering people to reduce inflammation, improve their gut, and lose weight naturally.

About The Wellness Equation - A Division of 1954080 Ontario Inc.

Established in 2017, we help people improve their gut health, reduce inflammation and lose weigh.

Join the Community

We'd love to have you. The Wellness Equation Community is for anyone wanting to learn how to reduce the inflammation, improve their gut, and lose that unwanted weight. The Wellness Equation Community offers free resources, tips, education and a safe, confidential space. It's free join.

Join the Community

Our community is a safe place for people that are experiencing digestive issues to be with like minded individuals to support, offer tips and healthy recipes.

© the wellness equation - a division of 1954080 ontario inc. 2024.

All rights reserved.